Wednesday, June 24, 2015

General Convention Day2, Wednesday

Well, I have been on the run, literally. It is 1/4 mile from the conference services room to my committee room. I am a legislative aide (read gofer) for the Rules of Order Committee.  I make this run at least twice in each 2 hr. committee session (2 per day) so I'm definitely getting my exercise. That's good! Went from 8:30 am until 8 pm yesterday, but had a nice break in the middle to come home and have lunch with Ruby. Kate is at Girl Scout Camp this week.  Fell into bed and got up at 5:20 am MST (4:20 am PST) to drive, park and set up my committee room for a 7 am meeting.  The big joys today were seeing Bishop Nedi, our guru for TCM at Christ Church. She is now retired and doing well. Also, Brian Prior, Bishop of Minnesota. He became a postulant for Priesthood from St. Stephens, Spokane and I was on the C.O.M. when he went through his candidancy there.   How proud are we all of him.  Katherine Jefferts Schorri, our current Presiding Bishop gave her opening address this morning, as did Gaye Jennings, the President of the House of Deputies. Both women were inspiring.  This afternoon will be the presentation for the candidates for Presiding Bishop, who will be elected for the next 9 years. I will let you know my impressions.  Its 96 degrees outside, but comfortable inside the Salt Palace Convention Center.  Salt Lake City is very easy to get around.  Thanks to Andy and Megan for my car.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need to rent a bike! There must be lots of spare bikes in Salt Lake City, slightly used by former missionaries...
