Saturday, June 27, 2015

Well, where have I been? My mind is filled to overflowing with issues, ideas and solutions. My time is filled with family, friends and sessions. The celebration of the Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage was huge. There was a congo lines of singing and dancing during the morning eucharist. You could feel it  in the air. That on top of the decision to uphold affordable care subsidies for the poor. There is hope! The Episcopal Church will be deciding on the resolution to accept and conduct gay marriages at this convention. Better late than never. I can't imagine it won't pass. Yesterday I attended the hearing on formation and education. People spoke to the issue of developing a children's curriculum on anti racism (start early) and establishing a task force for creating it , with funding! I met an dynamic young black woman from Washington, DC., Kemah Camara, she is passionate about racial issues and challenges the white church to heal itself. The face of clergy here is amazingly young, we are in good hands for the future. Women in leadership is on the rise. That bodes well for our church, too. I had lunch with Rev. Rilla Barratt. She is such a dear friend, also spent time with Kara Hunt and Jackie from St. Aidan's.  They are volunteering for several days. Kara and her husband presented Episcopal Marriage Encounter weekends with Frank and I  back in the 70's and 80's. I visited with Rev. Caryl Marsh, here in the Utah Diocese, she was the first woman priest in the Spokane Diocese in the 80's. It's wonderful to reaquaint with old friends. The hot weather and warm evenings are very pleasant and a respite from the cold air conditioning as we walk to different hotels for events. Well, the Presiding Bishop will be elected today. I pick Bishop Michael Currie,  he seems the odds on favorite, and rightly so. He is a spirit-filled, passionate man that can inspire and lead us. He can bring healing to the church. There are news reports on convention here in SLC, anything in the Seattle Times?

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